Wednesday, January 11, 2012


Omg...I am sooooo obsessed with Brad Goreski's new show, it's not even funny.  Seriously.  "It's a Brad, Brad World" is funny, its' sexy, it's adventurous.  It's awesome.

So I'm watching the DVR'd episode last night (because lately I can't seem to stay up past 9), and I hear POC, which Brad explains as "pop of color."  Genius.  Even the way he phrases things makes me smile. :) 

How amazing are POC's?!?

What's your favorite color for a POC???

Enjoy your Tuesday!


  1. i looooove a good POC! the perfect pick-me-up for any outfit.

  2. Totally agree, Lauren (almost called you Sidda)! LOL!!! Nothing like color to put you in a fantastic mood!!!


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